Със Заповед № РД-01-767/26.07.2024 г. на Изпълнителния директор на Агенция по вписванията, на основание чл. 6, ал. 4, във връзка с чл. 6, ал. 2, т. 22 от Устройствения правилник
Министърът на туризма Евтим Милошев и заместник-министърът на външните работи Мария Ангелиева продължиха диалога между двете институции Министърът на туризма Евтим Милошев и заместник-министърът на външните работи Мария Ангелиева
What is RightSpot and why do I need it? An aftermarket upgrade for your existing sprayer, RightSpot simplifies precision spraying with unparalleled ease. At its core, RightSpot leverages nozzle-by-nozzle control
A by-product of coal-fired power plants is the tens of millions of tons of coal ash that ends up in landfills each year. Now researchers from Drexel University, the National
The National Sorghum Foundation will award three exceptional students — Charles Colvin, Andrew Marchetti, and Allie Herring — with scholarships totaling $4,500 to support their educational endeavors in the 2024-25
These beautiful and delicious fruits belong to the genus Fragaria × ananassa, which includes over 20 species of flowering plants in the rose family belonging to Rosaceae. Strawberries are not
SureSpeed® SureSpeed is a complete high-speed, high-accuracy planting system with superior performance at any speed up to 12 mph. This integrated seed metering and delivery system provides 99%+ singulation and
I took this picture a while back and new I wanted to write because of it. This is the view when you turn onto my road from the west. Even
Thermostat Housing Gasket Allis Chalmers 74025101 / 71364767 Allis-Chalmers Allis Chalmers – D21, 180, 185, 190, 190XT, 200, 210, 220, 6060, 6070, 6080, 7000, 7010, 7020, 7030, 7040, 7045, 7050,
Today, a friend sent me a screenshot of a Facebook post which read “Hello, does anyone know where I [can] purchase real cow’s milk? Not store milk, but from a